Senin, 28 Januari 2013

Internationalizing a GUI Form

Internationalizing a GUI Form

The following tutorial takes you through some of the basic steps of internationalization in NetBeans IDE. We will set up internationalization for one form and later on design that form. Then we internationalize the whole project, which contains several forms in a few different packages. You can internationalize applications either by specifying automatic internationalization or by using a special wizard.

Internationalizing a GUI Form at Design Time

In this exercise we will open the demo Java application project, which contains a well-known find dialog created using the GUI Builder. Next, we will switch on automatic internationalization for Form In order to test our internationalized GUI form, we will add a new locale to the properties file and run the form in the non-default locale.

Opening the Example Project

  1. Download and unzip the project to any location on your computer.
  2. Choose File > Open Project (Ctrl-Shift-O), navigate to the InternationalizeDemo project that you extracted in the last step, and click Open. The project folder might be in a containing folder that is also called InternationalizeDemo.
  3. Expand Source Packages > Demo and double-click The sample form opens in the GUI Builder.
    Find Dialog
    To view a demonstration of how to create this GUI form, click View Demo.

Switch Automatic Internationalization On

  1. Select the root node in the Navigator Window (named Form FindDialog).
  2. In the Properties window, select the checkbox in the Automatic Internationalization property.
  3. Click Upgrade in the GUI Form Format Upgrade dialog box. If the checkbox is selected, the IDE creates the file in the demo package as it is set in the Properties Bundle File property. If you need to have this file in a different location, you can click the ellipsis (...) button and choose a location or directly type the path in the property's text field.
  4. In the Projects window, double-click the node in the Projects Window or right-click the node and choose Edit. The properties file is opened in the Source Editor. As you can see, all appropriate Keys and Values for Form are generated. (The name of each key is derived from the form file name and the component Variable name. For example, the key FindDialog.jLabel1.text is generated for a component with the variable name jLabel1 placed in form file FindDialog. The value jLabel1 represents component's Text property in this example.
  5. Close the file.

Handling Images in a Java GUI Application


Handling images in an application is a common problem for many beginning Java programmers. The standard way to access images in a Java application is by using the getResource() method. This tutorial shows you how to use the IDE's GUI Builder to generate the code to include images (and other resources) in your application. In addition, you will learn how to customize the way the IDE generates image handling code.
The application that results from this tutorial will be a simple JFrame that contains one JLabel that displays a single image.

Creating the Application

  1. Choose File > New Project.
  2. In the New Project wizard, select Java > Java Application and click Next.
  3. For Project Name, type ImageDisplayApp.
  4. Clear the Create Main Class checkbox.
  5. Click Finish.

Creating the Application Form

Introduction to GUI Building

Exercise 1: Creating a Project

The first step is to create an IDE project for the application that we are going to develop. We will name our project NumberAddition.
  1. Choose File > New Project. Alternatively, you can click the New Project icon in the IDE toolbar.
  2. In the Categories pane, select the Java node. In the Projects pane, choose Java Application. Click Next.
  3. Type NumberAddition in the Project Name field and specify a path, for example, in your home directory, as the project location.
  4. (Optional) Select the Use Dedicated Folder for Storing Libraries checkbox and specify the location for the libraries folder. See Sharing Project Libraries for more information on this option.
  5. Deselect the Create Main Class checkbox if it is selected.
  6. Click Finish.

Exercise 2: Building the Front End

To proceed with building our interface, we need to create a Java container within which we will place the other required GUI components. In this step we'll create a container using the JFrame component. We will place the container in a new package, which will appear within the Source Packages node.

Create a JFrame container

  1. In the Projects window, right-click the NumberAddition node and choose New > Other.
  2. In the New File dialog box, choose the Swing GUI Forms category and the JFrame Form file type. Click Next.
  3. Enter NumberAdditionUI as the class name.
  4. Enter my.numberaddition as the package.
  5. Click Finish.
The IDE creates the NumberAdditionUI form and the NumberAdditionUI class within the NumberAddition application, and opens the NumberAdditionUI form in the GUI Builder. The my.NumberAddition package replaces the default package.

Developing General Java Applications

Project Setup

The application you create will contain two projects:
  • A Java Class Library project in which you will create a utility class.
  • A Java Application project with a main class that implements a method from the library project's utility class.
After you create the projects, you will add the library project to the classpath of the application project. Then you will code the application. The library project will contain a utility class with an acrostic method. The acrostic method takes an array of words as a parameter and then generates an acrostic based on those words. The MyApp project will contain a main class that calls the acrostic method and passes the words that are entered as arguments when the application is run.
Note: Strictly speaking, two projects are not needed for such a simple application. This tutorial uses two projects to demonstrate features that you might need for a more complex application.

Creating a Java Class Library Project

  1. Choose File > New Project (Ctrl-Shift-N). Under Categories, select Java. Under Projects, select Java Class Library. Click Next.
  2. Under Project Name, type MyLib. Change the Project Location to any directory on your computer. From now on, this tutorial refers to this directory as NetBeansProjects.
    Note: The path specified above should appear as follows in the Project Folder field of the wizard: /NetBeansProjects/MyLib/
  3. (Optional) Select the Use Dedicated Folder for Storing Libraries checkbox and specify the location for the libraries folder. See Sharing Project Libraries for more information on this option.
  4. Click Finish. The MyLib project opens in both the Projects window and the Files window.

Creating a Java Application Project

  1. Choose File > New Project. Under Categories, select Java. Under Projects, select Java Application. Click Next.
  2. Under Project Name, type MyApp. Make sure the Project Location is set to NetBeansProjects.
  3. (Optional) Check the Use Dedicated Folder for Storing Libraries checkbox.
  4. Enter acrostic.Main as the main class.
  5. Ensure that the Create Main Class checkbox is checked.
  6. Click Finish. The MyApp project is displayed in the Project window and opens in the Source Editor.

Configuring the Compilation Classpath

Since MyApp is going to depend on a class in MyLib, you have to add MyLib to the classpath of MyApp. Doing so also ensures that classes in the MyApp project can refer to classes in the MyLib project without causing compilation errors. In addition, this enables you to use code completion in the MyApp project to fill in code based on the MyLib project. In the IDE, the classpath is visually represented by the Libraries node.
To add the library's utility classes to the project classpath:
  1. In the Projects window, right-click the Libraries node for the MyApp project and choose Add Project as shown in the image below. Image showing the Add Project command that is offered when you right-click a project's node.
  2. Browse to NetBeansProjects/ and select the MyLib project folder. The Project JAR Files pane shows the JAR files that can be added to the project. Notice that a JAR file for MyLib is listed even though you have not actually built the JAR file yet. This JAR file will get built when you build and run the MyApp project.
  3. Click Add Project JAR Files.
  4. Expand the Libraries node. The MyLib project's JAR file is added to the MyApp project's classpath.

How can I get started developing Java programs with the Java Development Kit (JDK)?

Writing Java applets and applications needs development tools like JDK. The JDK includes the Java Runtime Environment, the Java compiler and the Java APIs. It's easy for both new and experienced programmers to get started.

Where can I get JDK download?
To download the latest version of the Java Development Kit (JDK), go to JDK downloads.
Developers can also refer to the Oracle Technology Network for Java Developers for everything you need to know about Java technology, including documentation and training.

What if I am new to Java?
If you are new and interested to get started developing Java programs, please refer to new to Java to find useful information for beginners.

How do I get Java certification?
Earning an Oracle Java technology certification provides a clear demonstration of the technical skills, professional dedication and motivation for which employers are willing to pay a premium. Recognized industry-wide, Oracle's Java technology training and certification options help ensure that you have the necessary skills to efficiently meet the challenges of your IT organization.
» Learn more about Java Certification
Java Developer Conferences
  • JavaOne is the premier Java developer conference where you can learn about the latest Java technologies, deepen your technical understanding, and ask questions directly to your fellow strategists and developers. Oracle runs annual JavaOne conferences, including the flagship JavaOne in San Francisco and regional conferences. Visit for more information on upcoming events and locations.
  • Oracle Technology Network Developer Days are free, hands-on Java developer workshops conducted globally on a regular basis.
  • Oracle also sponsors a variety of third party Java technology conferences and events. Search the Oracle Events catalog for an upcoming event near you.

Computer Science vs Computer Engineering

What is computer science?

Computer science (CS) is the systematic study of algorithmic methods for representing and transforming information, including their theory, design, implementation, application, and efficiency. The discipline emerged in the 1950s from the development of computability theory and the invention of the stored-program electronic computer. The roots of computer science extend deeply into mathematics and engineering. Mathematics imparts analysis to the field; engineering imparts design. The main branches of computer science are the following:
  • Algorithms is the study of effective and efficient procedures of solving problems on a computer.
  • Theory of computation concerns the meaning and complexity of algorithms and the limits of what can be computed in principle.
  • Computer architecture concerns the structure and functionality of computers and their implementation in terms of electronic technologies.
  • Software systems is the study of the structure and implementation of large programs. It includes the study of programming languages and paradigms, programming environments, compilers, and operating systems.
  • Artificial intelligence concerns the computational understanding of what is commonly called intelligent behavior and the creation of artifacts that exhibit such behavior.
Other important topics in computer science include computer graphics, databases, networks and protocols, numerical methods, operating systems, parallel computing, simulation and modeling, and software engineering.

What is computer engineering?

Computer engineering (CEN) is the design and prototyping of computing devices and systems. While sharing much history and many areas of interest with computer science, computer engineering concentrates its effort on the ways in which computing ideas are mapped into working physical systems. Emerging equally from the disciplines of computer science and electrical engineering, computer engineering rests on the intellectual foundations of these disciplines, the basic physical sciences and mathematics. The main branches of computer engineering are the following:
  • Networks is concerned with design and implementation of distributed computing environments, from local area networks to the World Wide Web.
  • Multimedia computing is the blending of data from text, speech, music, still image, video and other sources into a coherent datastream, and its effective management, coding-decoding and display.
  • VLSI systems involves the tools, properties and design of micro-miniaturized electronic devices (Very Large Scale Integrated circuits).
  • Reliable computing and advanced architectures considers how fault-tolerance can be built into hardware and software, methods for parallel computing, optical computing, and testing.
Other important topics in computer engineering include display engineering, image and speech processing, pattern recognition, robotics, sensors and computer perception.

Should I pursue computer science or computer engineering?

Scientists and engineers are both interested in the nature of things, in understanding how ideas and objects in the world fit together. But in general, they seek to understand the nature of reality with different ends in mind: the scientist seeks this understanding as an end in itself, the engineer in order to build things. Thus CS is closer to the underlying theory of computation, with its roots in mathematics, and CEN is closer to the design of physical devices, with roots in physics and chemistry as well. Students with an urge to build things, to measure how things work in the laboratory, those attracted to physics and chemistry as well as mathematics, should seriously consider CEN. Students with an interest in the true nature of symbols, information and their manipulations, the forms and limits of algorithms and data structures, should consider CS. Of the three great divisions in computing, namely theory, software and hardware, to a first approximation theory goes with CS, hardware with CEN, and software with both, but mainly with CS. The more general the software, the closer to CS; the more hardware-specific, the closer to CEN. Thus a student interested in creating his own new general-purpose computer language would best be served by a CS degree program, while one interested in designing a software interface for a new high speed serial device by the CEN degree program. Students undecided between the CS and CEN programs are urged to discuss the matter in depth with academic advisors within the CSE department, the College of Arts and Sciences (which administers the CS programs), and the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (which administers the CEN program).

What is Computer Science?

  • Computer science is a discipline that spans theory and practice. It requires thinking both in abstract terms and in concrete terms. The practical side of computing can be seen everywhere. Nowadays, practically everyone is a computer user, and many people are even computer programmers. Getting computers to do what you want them to do requires intensive hands-on experience. But computer science can be seen on a higher level, as a science of problem solving. Computer scientists must be adept at modeling and analyzing problems. They must also be able to design solutions and verify that they are correct. Problem solving requires precision, creativity, and careful reasoning. Computer science also has strong connections to other disciplines. Many problems in science, engineering, health care, business, and other areas can be solved effectively with computers, but finding a solution requires both computer science expertise and knowledge of the particular application domain. Thus, computer scientists often become proficient in other subjects.
    Finally, computer science has a wide range of specialties. These include computer architecture, software systems, graphics, artifical intelligence, computational science, and software engineering. Drawing from a common core of computer science knowledge, each specialty area focuses on particular challenges.
  • Computer Science is practiced by mathematicians, scientists and engineers. Mathematics, the origins of Computer Science, provides reason and logic. Science provides the methodology for learning and refinement. Engineering provides the techniques for building hardware and software. Finally, and most importantly, computer scientists are computer scientists because it is fun. (Not to mention lucrative career opportunities!)

  • Another definition from Computer Science: The Profession
    Computer science is a discipline that involves the understanding and design of computers and computational processes. In its most general form it is concerned with the understanding of information transfer and transformation. Particular interest is placed on making processes efficient and endowing them with some form of intelligence. The discipline ranges from theoretical studies of algorithms to practical problems of implementation in terms of computational hardware and software.
    A central focus is on processes for handling and manipulating information. Thus, the discipline spans both advancing the fundamental understanding of algorithms and information processes in general as well as the practical design of efficient reliable software and hardware to meet given specifications. Computer science is a young discipline that is evolving rapidly from its beginnings in the 1940's. As such it includes theoretical studies, experimental methods, and engineering design all in one discipline. This differs radically from most physical sciences that separate the understanding and advancement of the science from the applications of the science in fields of engineering design and implementation. In computer science there is an inherent intermingling of the theoretical concepts of computability and algorithmic efficiency with the modern practical advancements in electronics that continue to stimulate advances in the discipline. It is this close interaction of the theoretical and design aspects of the field that binds them together into a single discipline.
    Because of the rapid evolution it is difficult to provide a complete list of computer science areas. Yet it is clear that some of the crucial areas are theory, algorithms and data structures, programming methodology and languages, and computer elements and architecture. Other areas include software engineering, artificial intelligence, computer networking and communication, database systems, parallel computation, distributed computation, computer-human interaction, computer graphics, operating systems, and numerical and symbolic computation.
    A professional computer scientist must have a firm foundation in the crucial areas of the field and will most likely have an in-depth knowledge in one or more of the other areas of the discipline, depending upon the person's particular area of practice. Thus, a well educated computer scientist should be able to apply the fundamental concepts and techniques of computation, algorithms, and computer design to a specific design problem. The work includes detailing of specifications, analysis of the problem, and provides a design that functions as desired, has satisfactory performance, is reliable and maintainable, and meets desired cost criteria. Clearly, the computer scientist must not only have sufficient training in the computer science areas to be able to accomplish such tasks, but must also have a firm understanding in areas of mathematics and science, as well as a broad education in liberal studies to provide a basis for understanding the societal implications of the work being performed.

understanding information technology

It is necessary to provide that information technology (IT) is defined as “the tools and methods used to collect, retain, handle or distribute information. The information technology is usually associated with computers and related technologies applied to decision making.
Information technology (IT) is changing the traditional way of doing things, people who work in government, private companies, that direct personal or professional working in any field of IT used daily by using Internet, Credit cards, electronic payment of payroll, among other functions, that is why the role of IT in business processes such as manufacturing and sales have expanded greatly. The first generation of computers was designed to keep records and monitor the operational performance of the company, but the information was not timely because the analysis obtained on a given day actually described what had happened a week earlier. The current developments make it possible to capture and use the information when it is generated, i.e., have online processes. This has not only changed the way we do the work and the workplace but has had a major impact on the way in which firms compete (Alter, 1999).
Efficiently use information technology can gain a competitive advantage, but we need to find successful procedures for maintaining such advantages as a constant, and to provide alternative courses of action and resources to suit the needs of the moment, because the benefits do not always are permanent. The information system must be modified and updated regularly if you want to receive continuous competitive advantages. The creative use of information technology can provide administrators a new tool to differentiate human resources, products and / or services in respect of its competitors (Alter, 1999). This type of competitive pre-eminence can bring another group of strategies, such as a flexible and standards in time, capable of producing a wider variety of products at a lower price and in less time than the competition.
Information technologies are a tool increasingly important in business, but to implement a system company information does not guarantee that it gets results so immediate or long term. In the implementation of information system involves many factors being one of the main human factors. It is expected to change in a situation of staff be reluctant to adopt new procedures or develop them fully and in accordance with the guidelines that were established. From the above it is necessary to take into strategic planning account present and future needs of the company. Just as a preliminary investigation and feasibility study of the project that you want.


If a product fulfils the customer’s expectations, the customer will be pleased and consider that the product is of acceptable or even high quality. If his or her expectations are not fulfilled, the customer will consider that the product is of low quality. This means that the quality of a product may be defined as “its ability to fulfill the customer’s needs and expectations”.
Quality needs to be defined firstly in terms of parameters or characteristics, which vary from product to product. For example, for a mechanical or electronic product these are performance, reliability, safety and appearance. For pharmaceutical products, parameters such as physical and chemical characteristics, medicinal effect, toxicity, taste and shelf life may be important. For a food product, they will include taste, nutritional properties, texture, shelf life and so on.
To ensure product quality, the entire process of producing the product must be established and streamlined. It includes fixing product specifications, preparing product design, procuring suitable raw materials, preparation for manufacture, manufacture, and post manufacturing until it gets into the hands of the consumer.
In many instances, however, the correction of quality deficiencies is also required at the end of the process since in spite of all the efforts made, the required quality will sometimes not be attained and a company may be faced with a pile of scrap and rework. Corrective and preventative actions have to be taken to avoid unnecessary wastage and rework.

A manufacturer who is determined to ensure product quality could also maintain strict adherence to specifications and product characteristics. Examples of these may be:
Dimensions, such as length, diameter, thickness or area;
Physical properties, such as weight, volume or strength;
Electrical properties, such as resistance, voltage or current;
Appearance, such as finish, colour or texture;
Functional qualities, such as output or kilometre per litre;
Effects on service, such as taste, feel or noise level.

Product quality is obviously the business of everyone within a company, that is, the salesmen, designers, purchasing, stores and methods staff, plant engineers, tool personnel, production planning and production staff, operators, inspection and testing staff, packaging, and even dispatch should have an interest in maintaining quality. Indeed, if care is not taken, it ends up being nobody’s business. Therefore, it is important to ensure that everyone is quality-conscious and that they all work together on matters related to quality.

Word 2010 Getting Started with Word

Getting to Know Word 2010

Launch video!Watch the video (4:24). Need help?
Word 2010 is a bit different from earlier versions, so even if you've used Word before, you should take some time to familiarize yourself with the interface. The toolbars are similar to those in Word 2007, and they include the Ribbon and the Quick Access Toolbar. Unlike Word 2007, commands such as Open and Print are housed in Backstage view, which replaces the Microsoft Office Button.
Watch the video to learn about the Ribbon, Backstage View, and the Quick Access Toolbar.

The Ribbon

The new, tabbed Ribbon system was introduced in Word 2007 to replace traditional menus. The Ribbon contains all of the commands you'll need in order to do common tasks. It contains multiple tabs, each with several groups of commands, and you can add your own tabs that contain your favorite commands. Some groups have an arrow in the bottom-right corner that you can click to see even more commands.

The NetBeans Software

To start a new project, click on File > New Project from the NetBeans menu at the top. You'll see the following dialogue box appear:

The New Project Dialogue Box
We're going to be create a Java Application, so select Java under Categories, and then Java Application under Projects. Click the Next button at the bottom to go to step two:
NetBean's New Project Wizard - Step Two
In the Project Name area at the top, type a Name for your Project. Notice how the text at the bottom changes to match your project name (in the text box to the right of Create Main Class):
If we leave it like that, the Class will have the name Main. Change it to FirstProject:
Create Main Class
Now, the Class created will be called FirstProject, with a capital "F", capital "P". The package is also called firstproject, but with a lowercase "f" and lowercase "j".
The default location to save your projects appears in the Project Location text box. You can change this, if you prefer. NetBeans will also create a folder with your project name, in the same location. Click the Finish button and NetBeans will go to work creating all the necessary files for you.
When NetBeans returns you to the IDE, have a look at the Projects area in the top left of the screen (if you can't see this, click Window > Projects from the menu bar at the top of the software):
Projects Area in NetBeans
Click the plus symbol to expand your project, and you'll see the following:
Folders in the Project
Now expand Source Packages to see your project name again. Expand this and you'll see the Java file that is your source code.
The Java Source File
This same source code should be displayed to the right, in the large text area. It will be called If you can't see a code window, simply double click in your Projects window above. The code will appear, ready for you to start work.
The coding window that appears should look like this (we've changed the author's name):
The Java coding window
One thing to note here is that the class is called FirstProject:
public class FirstProject {
This is the same name as the java source file in the project window: When you run your programmes, the compiler demands that the source file and the class name match. So if your .java file is called firstProject but the class is called FirstProject then you'll get an error on compile. And all because the first one is lowercase "f" and the second one uppercase.
Note that although we've also called the package firsproject, this is not necessary. We could have called the package someprogramme. So the name of the package doesn't have to be the same as the java source file, or the class in the source file: it's just the name of the java source file and the name of the class that must match.

How Wireless Networks Work

Wireless Technology Standards

Because there are multiple technology standards for wireless networking, it pays to do your homework before buying any equipment. The most common wireless technology standards include the following:
  • 802.11b: The first widely used wireless networking technology, known as 802.11b (more commonly called Wi-Fi), first debuted almost a decade ago, but is still in use.
  • 802.11g: In 2003, a follow-on version called 802.11g appeared offering greater performance (that is, speed and range) and remains today's most common wireless networking technology.
  • 802.11n: Another improved standard called 802.11n is currently under development and is scheduled to be complete in 2009. But even though the 802.11n standard has yet to be finalized, you can still buy products based on the draft 802.11n standard, which you will be able to upgrade later to the final standard.
All of the Wi-Fi variants (802.11b, g and n products) use the same 2.4 GHz radio frequency, and as a result are designed to be compatible with each other, so you can usually use devices based on the different standards within the same wireless network. The catch is that doing so often requires special configuration to accommodate the earlier devices, which in turn can reduce the overall performance of the network. In an ideal scenario you'll want all your wireless devices, the access point and all wireless-capable computers, to be using the same technology standard and to be from the same vendor whenever possible.
802.11 Defined: 802.11 and 802.11x refers to a family of specifications developed by the IEEE for wireless LAN (WLAN) technology. 802.11 specifies an over-the-air interface between a wireless client and a base station or between two wireless clients. The IEEE accepted the specification in 1997. See this page for a complete overview of the 802.11x family of specifications.

Wireless Speed & Range

When you buy a piece of wireless network hardware, it will often quote performance figures (i.e., how fast it can transmit data) based on the type of wireless networking standard it uses, plus any added technological enhancements.  In truth, these performance figures are almost always wildly optimistic.
While the official speeds of 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n networks are 11, 54, and 270 megabits per second (Mbps) respectively, these figures represent a scenario that.s simply not attainable in the real world. As a general rule, you should assume that in a best-case scenario you.ll get roughly one-third of the advertised performance.

It's also worth noting that a wireless network is by definition a shared network, so the more computers you have connected to a wireless access point the less data each will be able to send and receive. Just as a wireless network's speed can vary greatly, so too can the range. For example, 802.11b and g officially work over a distance of up to 328 feet indoors or 1,312 feet outdoors, but the key term there is "up to". Chances are you won't see anywhere close to those numbers.

As you might expect, the closer you are to an access point, the stronger the signal and the faster the connection speed. The range and speed you get out of wireless network will also depend on the kind of environment in which it operates. And that brings us to the subject of interference.

internet basics

Understanding The Basics

This section will help you understand common terms and tools of the Internet.
The Internet is a network of computers spanning the globe. This communication structure is a system connecting more than fifty million people in countries around the world. A global Web of computers, the Internet allows individuals to communicate with each other. Often called the World Wide Web, the Internet provides a quick and easy exchange of information and is recognized as the central tool in this Information Age.

Internet Browser
An Internet browser is a software program that enables you to access and navigate the Internet by viewing Web pages on your computer. The label Internet Browser describes a software program that provides users with a graphical interface that allows them to connect to the Internet and "surf the Web." Simply speaking, a browser is a software program that enables you to view Web pages on your computer.

Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer (IE) are the two browsers most commonly used for viewing the Internet. Netscape and Internet Explorer share many of the same functions, and it is possible to use both. Microsoft is the creator of Internet Explorer, and Netscape Navigator, originally developed by Netscape, is now owned by America Online/Time Warner. There are other browsers available as well. It does not take many users long to develop a preference and "adopt" a browser. You may have already made the choice. Which are you using?

Not only will you need to be familiar with your browser "brand," but you should also know the version of the browser you are using. Frequently new versions of browsers are made available to computer users; normally they are available to be downloaded from the Internet at no charge.

Web Site
A site or area on the World Wide Web that is accessed by its own Internet address is called a Web site. A Web site can be a collection of related Web pages. Each Web site contains a home page and may also contain additional pages. Each Web site is owned and updated by an individual, company, or organization. Because the Web is a dynamically moving and changing entity, many Web sites change on a daily or even hourly basis.

Web Page
A Web page can be explained as one area of the World Wide Web. Comparable to a page in a book, the basic unit of every Web site or document on the Web is a page. A Web page can be an article, an ordering page, or a single paragraph, and it is usually a combination of text and graphics.

Home Page
The term home page has a couple of meanings. It is the Web page that your browser uses when it starts, and also the Web page that appears every time you open your browser. Clicking the home page icon on your browser screen will take you to the specific page you have set as your browser's home page.

Home page also refers to the main Web page out of a collection of Web pages. On each site, often you will see home page as a choice on a Menu Bar. Clicking on the word Home on a Web page will take you to the home or main page of that particular Web site.

Understanding the World Wide Web

This tutorial covers the basics of the World Wide Web, focusing on its technical aspects. After all, the Web is a technological phenomenon. Therefore it's useful to understand some of the fundamentals of how it works.
The world wide web is a system of Internet servers that supports hypertext and multimedia to access several Internet protocols on a single interface. The World Wide Web is often abbreviated as the web or www.
The World Wide Web was developed in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee of the European Particle Physics Lab (CERN) in Switzerland. The initial purpose of the Web was to use networked hypertext to facilitate communication among its members, who were located in several countries. Word was soon spread beyond CERN, and a rapid growth in the number of both developers and users ensued. In addition to hypertext, the Web began to incorporate graphics, video, and sound. The use of the Web has reached global proportions and has become a defining element of human culture in an amazingly short period of time.
In order for the Web to be accessible to anyone, certain agreed-upon standards must be followed in the creation and delivery of its content. An organization leading the efforts to standardize the Web is the World Wide Web (W3C) Consortium. Take a look at the W3C Consortium Web site to get an idea of its activities. A lot of the material is technical because, after all, the Web is a technical phenomenon.

Protocols of the Web

The surface simplicity of the Web comes from the fact that many individual protocols can be contained within a single Web site. internet protocols are sets of rules that allow for intermachine communication on the Internet. These are a few of the protocols you can experience on the Web:
HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol): transmits hyptertext over networks. This is the protocol of the Web.
E-mail (Simple Mail Transport Protocol or SMTP): distributes e-mail messages and attached files to one or more electronic mailboxes.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol): transfers files between an FTP server and a computer, for example, to download software.
FTP download
VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol): allows delivery of voice communications over IP networks, for example, phone calls.
The Web provides a single, graphical interface for accessing these and other protocols. This creates a convenient and user-friendly environment. Once upon a time, it was necessary to know how to use protocols within separate, command-level environments. This meant you needed to know the text commands and type them out to make things happen. The Web is much easier, since it gathers these protocols together into a unified graphical system. Because of this feature, and because of the Web's ability to work with multimedia and advanced programming languages, the Web is by far the most popular component of the Internet.

Hypertext and links: the motion of the Web

The operation of the Web relies primarily on hypertext as its means of information retrieval. HyperText is a document containing words that connect to other documents. These words are called links and are selectable by the user. A single hypertext document can contain links to many documents. In the context of the Web, words or graphics may serve as links to other documents, images, video, and sound. Links may or may not follow a logical path, as each connection is created by the author of the source document. Overall, the Web contains a complex virtual web of connections among a vast number of documents, images, videos, and sounds.
Producing hypertext for the Web is accomplished by creating documents with a language called hypertext markup language, or html. With HTML, tags are placed within the text to accomplish document formatting, visual features such as font size, italics and bold, and the creation of hypertext links.
<p> This is a paragraph that shows the underlying HTML code. <strong>This sentence is rendered in bold text</strong>. <em>This sentence is rendered in italic text.</em> </p>

Windows 7: Understanding Network Administration and Configuration

Navigation – getting to Windows 7 Network Configuration

How do you get to Windows 7 Network configuration? Just go to the Start Menu, then to Control Panel, and click on Network and Internet. You also can get to your network configuration, using the same navigation path in Windows Vista. However, when you get to the Network and Internet settings in Windows Vista, you will see a lot more options. Let us compare by starting with the Windows 7 Network and Internet window (shown in Figure 1, below).

Figure 1:  Windows 7 Network and Internet Configuration
As you can see this new Windows 7 configuration window offers you a few new choices and a few old choices but, overall, not a lot of choices to choose from. We are used to seeing both the Network and Sharing Center and the Internet Options but the HomeGroup is new. I will come back to HomeGroup and the new and improved Network and Sharing Center in Windows 7, below.
Now let us compare what we saw in Windows 7 to the Network and Internet configuration in Windows Vista, shown in Figure 2, below:

Figure 2: Windows Vista Network and Internet Configuration
The first thing you notice is that there are tons of options to choose from in Vista. However, I do not think that this is such a good thing as some of these seem much less important than others. For example, I don’t think that the Windows Firewall or Offline Files deserve their own section here (these are removed in Windows 7).

Windows 7 Network and Sharing Center

99% of the time, in Windows 7 or Vista, to configure networking, you are going to click on the Network and Sharing Center. It offers the most functionality and the most common tasks that a Windows Vista or 7 Administrator would perform. So, let us look at how the Network and Sharing Center differs between these two operating systems.
First, here is the Network and Sharing Center from Windows Vista that most of us are familiar with:

Figure 3: Windows Vista Network and Sharing Center
Now, let us compare that to Windows 7’s Network and Sharing Center, below in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Windows 7 Network and Sharing Center
One of the big differences is caused by these two computers being different. The Vista computer has many more network adaptors as compared to the Windows 7 computer. That aside, as you can see, the Windows 7 computer actually has many fewer options than the Vista computer. Options have been removed from the left navigation and the Sharing and Discovery options have been removed from the main window. These options have just been moved to other sections.
The Network and Sharing options have been moved to the Choose homegroup and sharing options window (which we will look at in a minute). The left navigation options shown on the Vista computer have just been moved to the level above this, Network and Internet.
What I like about the new Windows 7 Network and Sharing center is that the less related options have been moved off to reduce the clutter on the page. There are two things that I do not care for, concerning the changes with the Network and Sharing center:
  • Why did they remove the Sharing and Discovery options from this page? I mean, it is not that what the Network and Sharing center should have – sharing and discovery options?
  • Also, I have never cared for how in Vista or Windows 7 there are no technical networking details on the network and sharing center page. I should be able to see if I have an IP address here. I should be able to see if it is automatic (useless) IP address or if it is a real IP address. I would think that they would have added / improved this in Windows 7.

What about Windows 7 Homegroup?

Above, I mentioned Windows 7 homegroup. What is this? Well, this is new in Windows 7. A homegroup is a simple way to link computers on your home network together so that they can share pictures, music, videos, documents, and printers. There is just a single password that is used to access the homegroup, making creating it and connecting to it easy.
If you click on Choose Homegroup and Sharing Options from the Network and Sharing Center in Windows 7, you will see this window (assuming your network location is not Home):

Figure 5: Homegroup and sharing options in Windows 7
If you change your network location to Home, you will see the option to create a homegroup. Or if you come to the Choose Homegroup and sharing options page when your network location is set to home, then you can choose Create now and create your new homegroup.

Figure 6: Creating a Windows 7 Homegroup
You will be able to select what you want to share in the homegroup.

Figure 7: Viewing the Windows 7 Password to connect to the homegroup
And you will be given a single password, used on other computers, to connect to the homegroup.
When you are done, the Homegroup and Sharing center will look something like this:

Figure 8: Windows 7 Homegroup configured

Fix a network problem

My favorite change to Windows 7 networking is the update to Vista’s diagnose and repair. In Windows 7 if you want to get assistance fixing a network issue, you just click Fix a network problem. Sound simple and clear, right? That’s what I like about it.
From Windows 7 Network and Sharing, if you click Fix a Network Problem, you get this window, asking you want you want to fix:

Figure 9: Fixing a Network Problem
Windows 7 will go through and attempt to fix any network issues that you select. It will even ask you if you want to fix it as a Windows Administrator. Here is what fixing a homegroup looks like:

Figure 10: Fixing a network problem


Overall, I like the changes to Windows 7 networking GUI administration tools. The simplification of the interface is nice, as are the “fix a network problem tool” and the new homegroup features. I encourage you to take a look at these Windows 7 networking changes yourself.

What Is Bluetooth Low Energy?

Bluetooth low energy is a brand new technology that has been designed as both a complementary technology to classic Bluetooth as well as the lowest possible power wireless technology that can be designed and built. Although it uses the Bluetooth brand and borrows a lot of technology from its parent, Bluetooth low energy should be considered a different technology, addressing different design goals and different market segments.
Classic Bluetooth was designed to unite the separate worlds of computing and communications, linking cell phones to laptops. However its killer application has proved to be as an audio link from the cell phone to a headset placed on or around the ear. As the technology matured, more and more use cases were added, including stereo music streaming, phone book downloads from the phone to your car, wireless printing, and file transfer. Each of these new use cases required more bandwidth, and therefore, faster and faster radios have been constantly added to the Bluetooth ecosystem over time. Bluetooth started with Basic Rate (BR) with a maximum Physical Layer data rate of 1 megabit per second (Mbps). Enhanced Data Rate (EDR) was added in version 2.0 of Bluetooth to increase the Physical Layer data rates to 3Mbps; an Alternate MAC1 PHY2 (AMP) was added in version 3.0 of Bluetooth that used IEEE3 802.11 to deliver Physical Layer data rates of up to hundreds of megabits per second.
Bluetooth low energy takes a completely different direction. Instead of just increasing the data rates available, it has been optimized for ultra-low power consumption. This means that you probably won’t get high data rates, or even want to keep a connection up for many hours or days. This is an interesting move, as most wired and wireless communications technologies constantly increase speeds, as illustrated in Table 1–1.

Table 1–1. Speeds Almost Always Increase

V.21:0.3kbps 802.3i:10Mbps
V.22:1.2kbps 802.3u:100Mbps
V.32:9.6kbps 802.3ab:1000Mbps
V.34:28.8kbps 802.3an:10000Mbps
Wi-Fi Bluetooth
802.11:2Mbps v1.1:1Mbps
802.11b:11Mbps v2.0:3Mbps
802.11g:54Mbps v3.0:54Mbps
802.11n:135Mbps v4.0:0.3Mbps

Data Center Architecture and Technologies in the Cloud

This chapter provides an overview of the architectural principles and infrastructure designs needed to support a new generation of real-time-managed IT service use cases in the data center.
This chapter provides an overview of the architectural principles and infrastructure designs needed to support a new generation of real-time-managed IT service use cases in the data center. There are many process frameworks and technologies available to architects to deliver a service platform that is both flexible and scalable. From an operational perspective, maintaining visibility and control of the data center that meets the business's governance, risk, and compliance needs is a must. This chapter will discuss the building blocks, technologies, and concepts that help simplify the design and operation, yet deliver real IT value to the business, namely, business continuity and business change.


Architecture is a borrowed term that is often overused in technology forums. The Oxford English Dictionary defines architecture as "the art or practice of designing and constructing buildings" and further, "the conceptual structure and logical organization of a computer or computer-based system."
In general, outside the world of civil engineering, the term architecture is a poorly understood concept. Although we can understand the concrete concept of a building and the process of building construction, many of us have trouble understanding the more abstract concepts of a computer or a network and, similarly, the process of constructing an IT system like a service platform. Just like buildings, there are many different kinds of service platforms that draw upon and exhibit different architectural principles.
As an example of early architectural prinicples, requirements and/or guidelines (also known as artifacts), Figure 3-1 depicts the the famous drawing of Leonardo Da Vinci's "Vitruvian Man." We are told that the drawing is based on the ideas of a Roman Architect Marcus Vitruvius Pollio that a "perfect building" should be based on the fact (the mainly Christian religious idea) that man is created in the image of God and thus provides the blueprint of "proportional perfection" (that is, the relationship between the length of one body part to another is a constant fixed ratio). It was believed that these ratios can serve as a set of architectural principles when it comes to building design; thus, a "perfect building" can be acheived. Obviously, our ideas on architecture and design are much more secular and science-based today. That said, the Vitruvian Man provides a good a example of the relationship of architecture to design and its implimentation.


Network Architectures Traditionally, network architectures are divided into two types: local area networks (LANs) and wide area networks (WANs). LANs consist of two or more systems typically in the same geographic area connected with fiber or copper cabling and a network infrastructure consisting of switches and hubs. All personal networks and the vast majority of office networks fall into the LAN category. WANs consist of two or more systems in geographically separated areas connected with any of a variety of methods such as leased lines, radio waves, satellite relays, microwaves, or even dial-up connections. The Internet is by far the largest WAN in existence. With the advent of wireless networking, optical, and cellular technology, the lines between LANs and WANs sometimes blur, merging seamlessly into a single network entity. Recently, more terms have been added to better classify and describe network architectures:

understanding networks


Interactive technologies seldom stand alone. They exist in networks, and they facilitate networked connections between people. Designing technologies for communications requires an understanding of networks. This course is a foundation in how networks work. Through weekly readings and class discussions and a series of short hands-on projects, students gain an understanding of network topologies, how the elements of a network are connected and addressed, what protocols hold them together, and what dynamics arise in networked environments. This class is intended to supplement the many network-centric classes at ITP. It is broad survey, both of contemporary thinking about networks, and of current technologies and methods used in creating them. Prerequisites: Students should have an understanding of basic programming (Intro to Computational Media or equivalent). Familiarity with physical computing (Intro to Physical Computing or equivalent) is helpful, but not essential. Some, though not all, production work in the class requires programming and possibly physical and electronic construction. There is a significant reading component to this class as well.
Topics include:
  • topologies: how to think about them (nodes and links), how few workable ones there are, and how there's no topology so stupid it isn't in use some place.
  • addressing and routing: what a namespace is, three ways to generate a name (nesting, serial uniqueness, random pseudo- uniqueness), the difference between smart and dumb networks, why the phone network and the internet differ even though they use the same wires
  • protocols: envelopes and contents, the stack and the reference lie, end-to-end principles, reliability vs. speed tradeoffs
  • scale: more is different, scale breaks otherwise workable systems, makes redundancy and degeneracy critical, tends to push systems
  • a discussion of security and its effects
Exercises include:
  • Basic socket communication, both software and embedded hardware versions
  • Client-server programming
  • An HTTP/RESTian model exercise

Minggu, 27 Januari 2013

Heart Failure and LVAD

About Heart Diseases and Mechanical Heart Pumps

A weak heart or heart failure often results in shortness of breath on exertion, fatigue and fluid retention in legs.  Years of living with blocked coronary arteries, high blood pressure, and an uncommon disease known as cardiomyopathy which affects the muscles of the heart can leave your heart too weak to pump blood to your body, resulting in heart failure. As symptoms worsen advanced heart failure develops.
Treatment for advanced heart failure patients involves many options.  In the earlier stages, many drugs are effective.  However in advanced heart failure often drug treatment becomes inadequate.  Other treatment includes special pacemakers to synchronise the heart rhythm and defibrillators that correct dangerous abnormal rhythms.
When one reaches the stage of advanced heart failure the symptom becomes intolerable, requiring frequent hospital admissions and the life expectancy becomes short. They become breathless even at rest, requiring oxygen, with collection of fluid in the lungs, abdomen, loss of appetite and inability to walk.  Some are candidates for heart transplantation, which can dramatically improve survival and quality of life.  Unfortunately donor hearts are not always available and may not be available in many parts of Asia.
Among the many advances in medical therapy in the last decade, mechanical heart assist devices have now become a reality.  These small electrical pumps are connected to your heart and circulation to restore normal blood flow throughout the body resulting in rapid recovery.  The improved circulation of blood will enable you to return to your daily life with minimal restrictions.  Most patients will return to their almost normal life style, hobbies such as playing golf and even back to their occupation.  The outlook for these patients is more encouraging than even before.

Heart Failure and the Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD)

Heart failure is a progressive condition in which the heart's muscle becomes weakened after injury and gradually loses its ability to pump enough blood to supply the body's needs. Many people don't even know they have it because its symptoms are often mistaken for signs of getting older. Heart failure usually does not develop overnight - it's a progressive disease that starts slowly and gets worse over time. Medical therapy can often control the symptoms and slow the progression of the disease.
But when the heart disease progresses to end-stage heart failure, patient will suffer from repeated hospitalisation, swelling of the body, breathlessness, inability to sleep in the night due to difficulty in breathing, as well as inability to walk and eat due to congestion of the liver and abdomen. Progressively, other organs in the body such as the liver and kidneys will also suffer due to the low blood pressure caused by the weak heart.
When a patient reaches this stage, the outlook is poor, with life survival limited to less than two years. In fact, it is worse than a patient having lung cancer.
At this stage, the only hope the patient has is to undergo heart transplantation.  But unfortunately, due to universal shortage of donors, heart transplantation is available only to a minority of patients who satisfy the strict selection criteria. Furthermore, heart transplantation is only available in a few countries in Asia and they are often restricted to their residents only.
Fortunately, mechanical heart assist devices have developed over the years and have become an option for patients suffering from end-stage heart failure. It can be offered to patients as a bridge to transplant, until such a time that they receive a suitable donor heart or as a long term solution for those who are not eligible to transplant, or where such a programme is not available.

What is LVAD?

The left ventricular assist device, or LVAD, is a type of mechanical heart. The device is placed inside a person's chest, where it helps the heart pump oxygen-rich blood throughout the body.
Unlike an artificial heart, the LVAD doesn't replace the heart. It just helps the heart perform its job. This can mean the difference between life and death for a person whose heart has reached terminal heart failure.
A permanent LVAD is currently being used in some terminally ill patients whose condition makes them ineligible for heart transplantation. This is also called destination therapy.

Introduction to GUI Building

Introduction to GUI Building

Exercise 1: Creating a Project

The first step is to create an IDE project for the application that we are going to develop. We will name our project NumberAddition.
  1. Choose File > New Project. Alternatively, you can click the New Project icon in the IDE toolbar.
  2. In the Categories pane, select the Java node. In the Projects pane, choose Java Application. Click Next.
  3. Type NumberAddition in the Project Name field and specify a path, for example, in your home directory, as the project location.
  4. (Optional) Select the Use Dedicated Folder for Storing Libraries checkbox and specify the location for the libraries folder. See Sharing Project Libraries for more information on this option.
  5. Deselect the Create Main Class checkbox if it is selected.
  6. Click Finish.

NetBeans IDE Java Quick Start Tutorial

To create an IDE project:
  1. Start NetBeans IDE.
  2. In the IDE, choose File > New Project (Ctrl-Shift-N), as shown in the figure below.
    NetBeans IDE with the File > New Project menu item selected.
  3. In the New Project wizard, expand the Java category and select Java Application as shown in the figure below. Then click Next.
  4. In the Name and Location page of the wizard, do the following (as shown in the figure below):
    • In the Project Name field, type HelloWorldApp.
    • Leave the Use Dedicated Folder for Storing Libraries checkbox unselected.
    • In the Create Main Class field, type helloworldapp.HelloWorldApp.
  5. Click Finish.

Understanding Instance and Class Members

Understanding Instance and Class Members

In this section, we discuss the use of the static keyword to create fields and methods that belong to the class, rather than to an instance of the class.

Class Variables

When a number of objects are created from the same class blueprint, they each have their own distinct copies of instance variables. In the case of the Bicycle class, the instance variables are cadence, gear, and speed. Each Bicycle object has its own values for these variables, stored in different memory locations.
Sometimes, you want to have variables that are common to all objects. This is accomplished with the static modifier. Fields that have the static modifier in their declaration are called static fields or class variables. They are associated with the class, rather than with any object. Every instance of the class shares a class variable, which is in one fixed location in memory. Any object can change the value of a class variable, but class variables can also be manipulated without creating an instance of the class.
For example, suppose you want to create a number of Bicycle objects and assign each a serial number, beginning with 1 for the first object. This ID number is unique to each object and is therefore an instance variable. At the same time, you need a field to keep track of how many Bicycle objects have been created so that you know what ID to assign to the next one. Such a field is not related to any individual object, but to the class as a whole. For this you need a class variable, numberOfBicycles, as follows:
public class Bicycle {
    private int cadence;
    private int gear;
    private int speed;
    // add an instance variable for the object ID
    private int id;
    // add a class variable for the
    // number of Bicycle objects instantiated
    private static int numberOfBicycles = 0;

Understanding Java

Basic Java Concepts

  • Java is a full computer language. It is roughly comparable to C++ with some simplifications and improvements.
  • Java is interpreted. A web browser, applet viewer or java interpreter functions as a "virtual machine". Java is not Javascript
  • Source code (*.java) is compiled into "virtual machine" code (*.class). The .class files are compressed, binary files, which are interpreted.
  • Because Java is interpreted, it is a cross-platform language. The same Java program will run on any system which implements the virtual machine. At present, Netscape provides Java support for Windows 95 and NT, Macintosh, Solaris, Irix, HP-UX, and linux. IBM WebExplorer supports Java under OS/2, and has announced plans for Java support under AIX and Win 3.1. Oracle PowerBrowser 1.5 support Java.
  • Because Java is interpreted, it is slow.
  • Programs can be run as stand alone programs, or they can be "applets" embedded in web pages. Applets have very little access to the system resources on the client machine. As stand alone programs, Java programs have the same access as other programs.

How to Use the jar Command

How to Use the jar Command

You use the jar command in Java to create a JAR file, which is a single file that can contain more than one class in a compressed format that the Java Runtime Environment can access quickly. (JAR stands for Java archive.)
A JAR file can have a few or thousands of classes in it. In fact, the entire Java API is stored in a single JAR file named (The rt stands for runtime.) It’s a big file — over 35MB — but that’s not bad considering that it contains more than 12,000 classes.
JAR files are similar in format to Zip files, a compressed format made popular by the PKZIP program. The main difference is that JAR files contain a special file, called the manifest file, which contains information about the files in the archive. This manifest is automatically created by the jar utility, but you can supply a manifest of your own to provide additional information about the archived files.
JAR files are the normal way to distribute finished Java applications. After finishing your application, you run the jar command from a command prompt to prepare the JAR file. Then, another user can copy the JAR file to his or her computer. The user can then run the application directly from the JAR file.
JAR files are also used to distribute class libraries. You can add a JAR file to the ClassPath environment variable. Then, the classes in the JAR file are automatically available to any Java program that imports the package that contains the classes.
The basic format of the jar command is
jar options jar-file [manifest-file] class-files...
The options specify the basic action you want jar to perform and provide additional information about how you want the command to work. Here are the options:
Option Description
c Creates a new jar file.
u Updates an existing jar file.
x Extracts files from an existing jar file.
t Lists the contents of a jar file.
f Indicates that the jar file is specified as an argument. You almost always want to use this option.
v Verbose output. This option tells the jar command to display extra information while it works.
0 Doesn’t compress files when it adds them to the archive. This option isn’t used much.
m Specifies that a manifest file is provided. It’s listed as the next argument following the jar file.
M Specifies that a manifest file should not be added to the archive. This option is rarely used.

Note that you must specify at least the c, u, x, or t option to tell jar what action you want to perform.


Understanding Java's Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

Java is object-oriented. What does that mean? Unlike languages, such as FORTRAN, which focus on giving the computer imperative "Do this/Do that" commands, object-oriented languages focus on data. Of course, object-oriented programs still tell the computer what to do. They start, however, by organizing the data, and the commands come later.
Object-oriented languages are better than "Do this/Do that" languages because they organize data in a way that lets people do all kinds of things with it. To modify the data, you can build on what you already have, rather than scrap everything you've done and start over each time you need to do something new. Although computer programmers are generally smart people, they took awhile to figure this out.

Objects and their classes

In an object-oriented language, you use objects and classes to organize your data.
Imagine that you're writing a computer program to keep track of the houses in a new condominium development (still under construction). The houses differ only slightly from one another. Each house has a distinctive siding color, an indoor paint color, a kitchen cabinet style, and so on. In your object-oriented computer program, each house is an object.
But objects aren't the whole story. Although the houses differ slightly from one another, all the houses share the same list of characteristics. For instance, each house has a characteristic known as siding color. Each house has another characteristic known as kitchen cabinet style. In your object-oriented program, you need a master list containing all the characteristics that a house object can possess. This master list of characteristics is called a class.
So there you have it. Object-oriented programming is misnamed. It should really be called "programming with classes and objects."
Notice that the word classes was listed first? Think again about a housing development that's under construction. Somewhere on the lot, in a rickety trailer parked on bare dirt, is a master list of characteristics known as a blueprint. An architect's blueprint is like an object-oriented programmer's class. A blueprint is a list of characteristics that each house will have. The blueprint says, "siding." The actual house object has gray siding. The blueprint says, "kitchen cabinet." The actual house object has Louis XIV kitchen cabinets.

Java Web Development - Starting

The aim of this thread is to gather useful information in regards of Java web development. If you know some tips and tricks, tutorials or any interesting links that has not been already mentioned in previous posts please share with us (please always check to avoid double posting).
Please DO NOT post questions in this thread and also to not post any links leading to websites associated with you as this will goes against forum policies.
What you need for Java web development:Some previous Java knowledge, if you don't know Java you better start reading Starting "Java" [Java tutorials / resources / faq]
Installation of Java (instructions here)
Installation of either Java web server also know as J2EE server(JBoss, WebLogic, WebSphere) or web container (Tomcat, GlassFish) - [Quick jump to post here]
Access to database (MySQL, Oracle, HSQLDB etc.) - [Quick jump to post here]
Optional tools (Ant, Maven, Subversion) - [Quick jump to post here]
Your favourite IDE (IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, NetBeans, etc.)
Installing Java

What is Java Web Start and how is it launched?

What is Java Web Start?
The Java Web Start software allows you to download and run Java applications from the web. The Java Web Start software:
  • Provides an easy, one-click activation of applications
  • Guarantees that you are always running the latest version of the application
  • Eliminates complicated installation or upgrade procedures
Getting Java Web Start Software
Java Web Start is included in the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) since release of Java 5.0. This means that when you install Java, you get Java Web Start installed automatically. The Java Web Start software is launched automatically, when a Java application using Java Web Start technology is downloaded for the first time. The Java Web Start software caches (stores) the entire application locally on your computer. Thus, any subsequent launches are almost instantaneous as all the required resources are already available locally. Every time you start the application, the Java Web Start software component checks the application's website to see if a new version is available, and if so, automatically downloads and launches it.
Launching an Application Using Java Web Start Software
  • From a browser: Click on a link from a web page.
  • From desktop icon: If you use an application frequently, you can create a shortcut on your desktop or in the Start Menu. Java Web Start may ask if you would like to create shortcuts or an entry in the Start Menu. If you say 'yes,' all future launches of the application can start without a browser.
  • From Java Application Cache Viewer: Java Web Start also provides an Application Cache Viewer which you can launch from the Java Control Panel. The Cache viewer enables you to directly launch applications that you have downloaded.

    Instructions to launch from Application Cache Viewer
    1. Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Double click on the Java icon. The Java Control Panel will start.
    2. Click on the General tab
    3. Click on the Settings button from the Temporary Internet Files section
    4. Click on the View Applications button
    5. Double click on the respective application from the list that you want to launch
Java Control Panel - View Applications in cache

  • From command prompt: You can also launch an application from a command prompt by typing javaws jnlp_url where jnlp_url is a url to the jnlp file of the application.

    1. Go to Start > Run > type "command". A command prompt window will appear.
    2. Type "javaws url_of_jnlp"

Java EE & Java Web Learning Trail

What is a Java Web Application?

A Java web application generates interactive web pages containing various types of markup language (HTML, XML, and so on) and dynamic content. It is typically comprised of web components such as JavaServer Pages (JSP), servlets and JavaBeans to modify and temporarily store data, interact with databases and web services, and render content in response to client requests.
Because many of the tasks involved in web application development can be repetitive or require a surplus of boilerplate code, web frameworks can be applied to alleviate the overhead associated with common activities. For example, many frameworks, such as JavaServer Faces, provide libraries for templating pages and session management, and often promote code reuse.

What is Java EE?

Java EE (Enterprise Edition) is a widely used platform containing a set of coordinated technologies that significantly reduce the cost and complexity of developing, deploying, and managing multi-tier, server-centric applications. Java EE builds upon the Java SE platform and provides a set of APIs (application programming interfaces) for developing and running portable, robust, scalable, reliable and secure server-side applications.
Some of the fundamental components of Java EE include:
  • Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB): a managed, server-side component architecture used to encapsulate the business logic of an application. EJB technology enables rapid and simplified development of distributed, transactional, secure and portable applications based on Java technology.
  • Java Persistence API (JPA): a framework that allows developers to manage data using object-relational mapping (ORM) in applications built on the Java Platform.

JavaScript and Ajax Development

JavaScript is an object-oriented scripting language primarily used in client-side interfaces for web applications. Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a Web 2.0 technique that allows changes to occur in a web page without the need to perform a page refresh. JavaScript toolkits can be leveraged to implement Ajax-enabled components and functionality in web pages.

Jumat, 25 Januari 2013


Minimum requirements for devices connecting to the NUI Galway campus network
Only Professional versions of Windows Operating System can be connected to the NUI Galway Campus Network. If you have a device running Home Basic or Home Premium you can connect to the Wireless Network.
The specifications listed below are for PC and Apple Macintosh systems. The specifications are separated into recommended specification for a new computer and the acceptable minimum that can be supported by Information Solutions and Services.

Parts Of a Computer

Battery Backup Reviews

A battery backup, or UPS, is an often overlooked piece of a computer system. While it might seem extravagant to have backup power for your home computer, consider that a bonus. The real value is in the protection a UPS gives your expensive computer hardware from low voltage (brownouts) and high voltage (spikes).
Below are reviews I've had the pleasure of completing for various home and small business grade battery backup systems.

thank's  useful hoppen you....


What is a Trojan?

A Trojan is small, malicious programme that is installed along with a more attractive one. For example, that great freeware programme you got from that dodgy website? It may well be the programme you wanted. But someone (usually a 3rd party) may well have attached a Trojan to it. The Trojan will be installed as well as the software you wanted.
Trojans are not viruses, in the sense that they don't replicate or send copies of themselves to others. They are just another programme that can be installed on your computer, albeit a nasty one!

What do Trojans do?

A Trojan can be very malicious indeed. Most of them are intent on controlling your PC. These are called Remote Access Trojans, or RATs for short. If someone has placed a Trojan on your computer, they'll be able to see everything that you can. Some of them can even controll your webcam. That means the attacker can see you! If you have speakers attached to the PC, they can even hear you!
If that weren't bad enough, the attacker will have access to your computer, enabling him to upload nasty things to your PC. After all, why should he store these things on his computer when he has access to yours?
Most Trojans these days, though, are placed on your computer by criminals. If you type your credit card details in to a website, for example, then the attacker can record what you type. If a criminal has controll of a lot of computer, he could also launch something called a Denial of Service attack. A DoS attack is when a lot of malicious computers attack a particular network or website. The network has so many request that it can't cope, so has to shut down. The criminals then blackmail the owner ("We'll let you have your site back if you give us money".) Many gambling sites have been hit by this type of attack.

kata-kata mutiara islami

inilah contoh beberapa kata-kata mutiara islam yang dapat saya berikan walaupun seberapa kecil semoga bermanfaat.

hal yang paling terindah adalah kita bertemu dengan dia yang mencintaimu tanpa syarat, meski km bukan yang terbaik.

memaafkan adalah bentuk rasa cinta yang paling tertinggi dan yang terindah, sebagai imbalaln kita akan menerima kedamaian dan kebahagiaan yang tak terhingga.

cobaan tidak menjauhkan melainkan mendekatkan diri kita kepada Allah.....
bukanlah kesabaran, jika masih punya batasdan bukanlah keikhlasan, jika masih merasakan sakit.

sudahkah anda bersyukur atas semua cobaan yang telah terjadi saat ini pada diri anda ??

mengatasi virus flashdisk

1. klick start yang pada umumnya berada pada pojok kiri bawah.
2. kemudian pilih 'run'
3. di isian open ketik 'cmd' lalu klick 'ok'
4. nanti akan muncul kotak hitam
5. buka 'windows exploler'
6. lihat nama flashdisk anda
7. kemudian jika flalshdisk anda bernama 'f' kemudian ketikan di kotak hitam 'f' lalu tekan enter
8. setelah secara otomatis dari drive 'c' pindah ke 'f ' di layar
9. kemudian ketik 'ATTRIB*.*-S-H-R/S/D' lalu tekan enter. (tanpa tanda kutip)

sekian cara mengatasi flashdisk anda yang bermasalah semoga bermanfaat......